
UD Students Earn Second Place at Rocky Mountain Moot Court Invitational

University of Dubuque students Kylee Cashman and Mary Kate Wille earned second place at the Rocky Mountain Moot Court Invitational held Friday, Oct. 28 and Saturday, Oct. 29 in Denver, Colorado. It was the students first time participating in a moot court competition.

The competition featured over 20 teams. The UD team of Cashman, a sophomore criminal justice and sociology double major from Fort Madison, IA, and Wille, a senior criminal justice major from Elkader, IA, made it to the finals before placing second. They were coached by Ben Bartels, JD.

Moot court allows undergraduate students to engage in simulated legal arguments before a hypothetical appellate court reviewing a fictitious case. At the Rocky Mountain Moot Court Invitational, the case that Cashman and Wille argued dealt with whether technology used by law enforcement infringed upon the petitioner’s Fourth Amendment right as well as whether the sentence imposed on the petitioner violated his Eighth Amendment rights.

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