Health & Wellness

Survival Guide for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

by Kimberly Blaker

Do you dread the hustle and bustle of another holiday season? Between shopping, wrapping, baking, holiday cards, parties, and many other obligations and tasks, surviving the season can be a feat, let alone finding the time to enjoy it with your family. This year, why not make a pact to eliminate stress by following these tips?

Early Planning
First, close your eyes and think back to the last couple of years and how hectic and stressful they felt. What percentage of holiday activities and tasks would you need to eliminate to make the season truly enjoyable and relatively stress-free? During this process, don’t think about what you can’t remove. Just determine the percentage of reduction you need to make.

Next, make a list of everything you need to do during the holiday season, to which parties you’ll be invited, and how much money you’ll spend. Now cross off the least important, least necessary, and least popular events and tasks. Then review the list, and calculate how much time and expense you’ve shaved off. If you haven’t reached your predetermined reduction, go through your list again.

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