Health & Wellness

Wellness Offerings – February 2021



Beginners Pilates Workshop – Tuesdays & Thursdays, Feb. 2-25 @ 10 AM-10:50 AM, Lower level
Join Sue Webber, Malia Ridgeway and Amye Valant to learn the basics mat pilates, reformer, tower and chair exercises, to strengthen your body, have better posture and more flexibility, all while working low impact to protect your joints.

Special Sound Healing and Reiki Evening – Thursday, Feb. 4 @ 5:30 PM-7:30 PM, Upper level
We store life experiences as energy patterns in our energy anatomy. Some of those experiences create blockages interrupting the free flow of energy. Tuning forks and Reiki help by channeling positive energy into your body resulting in stress reduction and relaxation.

Mat Pilates instructor Training – Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays, Feb. 5-7, 19-21 & 26-27 @ 2 PM-7:30 PM (Fri.), 12 PM-5:30 PM (Sat.) 9 AM-2:30 PM (Sun.), Lower level
Join Statera for Mat Pilates Instructor Training! Advanced registration is required. Participation limited to allow for social distancing.

Prenatal Breastfeeding Class – Saturday, Feb. 6 @ 9 AM-12 PM, Upper level
Knowing about breastfeeding and what to expect is a good idea before your baby arrives. This hands-on, interactive class will give you the knowledge you need to feel ready to meet your baby and start the breastfeeding journey. Moms are encouraged to have a support person come along for the class.

Spectra Breast Pump Training – Saturday, Feb. 6 @ 1 PM-2 PM, Upper level

Do you have a Spectra breast pump and wonder if you are using it correctly or if you are maximizing your full pumping potential? If you would like to know more about how to use your Spectra pump, this workshop is for you! Currently being offered virtually.

Milk Parties! – Mondays, Feb. 8 & 22 @ 9:30 AM-10:30 AM, Upper level
Let’s celebrate breastfeeding! This support group is for moms and breastfeeding babies of all ages, as well as pumping moms and pregnant women.

Your Birth, Beyond the Basics – Monday, Feb. 8, 15 & 22 @ 6:30 PM-8:30 PM, Upper level
There is so much more to birthing than “breathing through contractions.” In this class you will learn tips and tricks you won’t hear in other birth classes. You will know how to work with your body, not against it, for a more comfortable, efficient birth.

Counterstrain – Thursday, Feb. 11 @ 5:30 PM-7:30 PM, Upper level
Strain/Counterstrain private treatment can help if you are suffering from headaches, back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, were in a car accident, slipped on the ice, etc. you may benefit from this technique.

Break the Diet Cycle – Wednesday, Feb. 17 @ 6 PM-8 PM, Upper level
Break the Diet Cycle is a 4-week program designed to educate participants on how biology and psychology affects your own weight loss goals. Discover how a diet mentality and dieting myths are stopping you from achieving your weight loss goals. This is not a weight loss program; it is an education program on why diets don’t work. Program is four 2-hour sessions.

Community Acupuncture – Thursday, Feb. 18 @ 5:30 PM-8 PM, Lower level
Experience individualized treatment in a common treatment area through a 30-45 minute treatment below the knees and elbows.

Fifty and Forward Workshop: Caring, Sharing and Growing Together – Saturday, Feb. 20 @ 9:30 AM-11 AM, Virtual
This virtual four session workshop series combines education, support and networking for women approaching age 50 and beyond who are transitioning through life changes and are seeking to make new connections, develop new resources and welcome opportunities to grow and flourish. Topic: Connections and Tribe Building.

Heal(thy) Self Group Health Coaching – Tuesday, Feb. 23 @ 6 PM-7 PM, Virtual
Over the course of this 4 week workshop, we will focus on re-energizing your life by learning to let go of diet rules and culture and learn to eat intuitively, prioritize movement, self-care and personal growth, and re-establish your commitment to yourself to bring your best self into every day.

Virtual Lunch and Learn: Heartmath – Wednesday, Feb. 24 @ 12:10 PM-12:50 PM, Virtual

Statera Telehealth

For your convenience, Statera is offering several one-on-one appointments via Telehealth. Please call (563) 207-8932 Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM to schedule.

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